The Continuing Battle
They’re Back!… The Continuing Battle to Resist Fluoridation in Albuquerque.
by Bill Wolfe DDS
A couple of issues ago, I wrote an article entitled, “Fluoride Chemicals Leach Toxic Lead into Drinking Water,” and summarized my experiences opposing fluoridation to the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority board in 2014. As a result of those meetings, the vote by the board was postponed until a later time, when the CDC (Center for Disease Control) issued new guideleines for fluoride standards in public water supplies “for those communities that wish to fluoridate.” I certainly felt a sense of relief, as at least for now the fluoride bullett had been dodged!
Upon discussing the situation with Dr. David Kennedy, one of this nation’s most informed experts on fluoridation with the underlying politics and producer of the film, “Fluorigate, an American Tragedy,” he told me “They’ll be back.” He was correct. The CDC did issue new guidelines in 2015, and a couple of months ago, a resolution for funding water treatment facility modifications for fluoridation of Albuquerque and Bernallilo was before the board, with a vote by the board scheduled for May 18th. To follow, are issues I brought before the board, and I am now presenting these same issues to the public.
- A research article in the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health (2014) found all samples of Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (HSF) products tested contained arsenic, lead, barium, and “a surprising amount of aluminum.” Their conclusion: “Such contaminant content creates a regulatory blind spot that jeopardizes any safe use of fluoride additives.”
- “Journal of Neurotoxicity” (2007) A research article found that when HSF was added, the lead concentrations were 4 1/2 times higher than with just the chlorine disinfectant alone, with the lead concentrations increasing with time.
- “American Journal of Public Health” (1984) A research article revealed that skin absorption of contaminants in drinking water has been underestimated and that ingestion may not constitute the sole or even primary route of exposure. Therefore, everyone is exposed to a city’s water fluoridation, whether they are drinking filtered “fluoride-free” water or not.
- I had a phone conversation with Les Hook, the city public works director for the city of Buffalo, Wyoming. He said that most water schools that he attends say to try and avoid adding fluoride to the water because it opens the door to potential lawsuits for mass dosing a society with something half the population doesn’t want.
- I also provided the names to the board for three dental associations that oppose water fluoridation:
- International Association of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT)
- International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine (IABDM)
- Holistic Dental Association (HDA)
Finally, I reminded the board that the decision they were to make is about a very controversial issue of mass medication, and I asked why doesn’t the public get to vote and decide this issue for themselves? Instead, the board is agreeing to accept responsibility for this important decision, without the consent of the community. I said that hopefully they would do the right thing. If dentists feel that teeth need to be treated with fluoride, then they should apply fluoride directly on the teeth, and not have fluoride added to our water so that all of us will be medicated.
The vote was against fluoridation. However, even though the budget for fluoridation was removed and fluoridation will not happen presently, there may be a next time, and this time the issue may appear as a public vote. Therefore, you, your family, and friends need to be aware of the true issues of fluoridation as…They might be back!